“I admire their courage, strength, spirit, spirituality, wisdom, humor and endurance.”
“Everyone should watch this documentary to learn more about autism. Lori Ciccarelli, mother of JJ, single- handedly filmed, edited, and created this DVD to help other parents of children with autism in seeking answers to treatment and acceptance of their children. Behind every child’s success is the parent who goes to the ends of the earth and back to ensure the success of their child and Lori is no exception. What I find particularly intriguing are obstacles JJ experienced, not with the autism per se, but with the way he was treated by teachers and peers. I am pleased to know that JJ has overcome the challenges and is a successful young college graduate despite the people who nearly broke him on his journey. Thank you to Lori for this wonderful piece that will encourage, inspire, and educate others on their journey of learning more about autism/Asperger’s, as well as learning more about tolerance, or better yet, acceptance, and compassion for one another.” Dee DiGioia, www.CaringandCourageousKids.com
“The day I watched JJ’s Journey was a pivotal point of hope for me. Watching Lori Ciccarelli, share concrete tips for helping her son, JJ, overcome many obstacles, gave me a sort of action plan to try with my own child. Neurofeedback has become a part of our lives because of her compelling testimony, as well as social role playing, tips for inclusion, and getting the most for my child at his IEPs.” S. Saturn, mother of a child with special needs
“I have read hundreds of autism-related books, gone to countless conferences and seen dozens of DVDs. Yet, nothing has had such an impact on me as JJ’s Journey – A Journey About Autism… Compassion, determination and hope exude from this remarkable documentary about the journey of one, autistic, young man. You quickly realize that this is far more than just a mother’s devotion. It’s a valuable resource to be used by educators, doctors and therapists so that they can understand who our children are and why they do what they do. It is one of only a few media tools on the market that chronicles the life of someone living with autism from toddler to adolescence…with feedback and analysis from those who are pivotal in helping with development. And, in many ways, it supersedes an “autistic” learning tool, because it can be used as a lesson in tolerance and respect.”
“The documentary speaks to so many things besides Autism. All the things about acceptance, integration, understanding, also apply to every relationship and interpersonal interaction, and how we should deal with people in general. I thought it was exceptional Lori!” – Dr. Randy Gerber